Carpool Cheryl Steiger

Conserve Water Mirjana Ugrinov

Stop Global Warming Tom Van Sant

Bee Mindful Lindsey Wright

Renewable Energy Robert Donley

Sustainable Solutions Anthony Lewellen

Use Energy Star Jill King

Buy Green-E Products Angelina Villanueva

Support Scientific Research Sharon Bladholm

Commercial Solar Carlos E. Jimenez

Learn from Ecology The Stockyard Institute and Hyde Park Art Center

Reduce Plastic Use Yair Engel

Water Efficiency Ginny Sykes

Buy Local Eliza Browne

Take Simple Steps Angela Erickson and Redmoon

Work Together Rion Stassi and City Year Volunteers

Common Ground Peter Mars

Walk Eric W. Stephenson

Chicago's Green Leadership Jonathan Franklin

Earth Shade Ross Architecture, Inc., Worn Jerabek Architects, PC, and Todd Wiltse

Creative Innovation Rodd Hoffman, Alfonso "Piloto" Nieves and J. Omar Magana

Support Organic Products Vicky Tesmer

Calculate your Carbon Footprint Sandra Bacon

Lighting of the Future Peter Mars

Rebuild Green Cities Karen Perl

Geothermal Energy Deidre Fox

Green Revitalization Phil Schuster

Consumer Power Ken Klopack

Buy Green Power Ophelia Clark

Renewable Energy Alessandra Kelley

Reuse Carol Lou Giannasi

Change Your Perspective Romero Britto

Sustainable Farming Kari Kaplan

Listen to our Children Emily Abrams and Michelle Korte Leccia

Be Inspired Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture

One Earth Joe Compean

Ride a Bike Jim Dine

Care for the Earth Suzanne Caporael

Play Pumps Chicago Scenic Studio Play Pumps International

Urban Greening Kim C. Massey